Sunday, February 1, 2009

You know you are obsessed with food when...

It’s 9:30 a.m. and I know everything I’m going to eat today. Not only do I know what I’m going to eat, it is all prepared and in containers in my fridge.

I have had a long love affair with plastic food containers. (Remember my pill container?) I stick to the same brands so they stack neatly in my cupboard and fridge. I seriously considered boycotting Ziplock and writing them a letter when they changed the style of my favorite containers so they no longer fit into the previous design. How could they do that? Don’t they know the stress they caused to me and other anal people like me?

This is a picture of one of the shelves in my freezer. (No Mom, I haven't defrosted it yet). There is something gratifying about having everything orderly, labeled and recorded on a master list in my kitchen. (Is there a support group for this?)

I’ve been trying to get control of my eating during my treatments. I’ve considered vegetarian, vegan, raw food, low dairy, no dairy, macrobiotic and, my favorite, ‘give up and binge’. Due to that last choice, along with Taxotere, steroids, emotional eating, mild nausea and too much time on my hands, my diet has ended up being inconsistent and I’ve gained weight during my treatments.

I’ve joined Weight Watchers so many times that I should get a free pass every 10 times I join, but I have to admit that I’ve always eaten very healthy when I was on the program. So, starting today, February 1, I’m going to try counting points yet again.

Maybe if I combine two of my obsessions: 1) organizing things into containers and 2) food, it can help me to get control of my eating. Not only am I going to plan my menu for the day, I am going to prepare my meals ahead of time and store them in the fridge, ready to heat and eat.
These are my meals for today - breakfast, lunch and dinner. I put the lid on the plastic containers, stack them in the fridge & microwave what needs to be heated (against the advice of the author of "Balance", who says that microwaving food is a huge no-no). No, the plastic doesn't go in the microwave; the plates inside the containers are glass and that's what gets heated up.

I think I might be on to something here. It's what celebrities do, only they have a chef or delivery service do the work. I could turn this into a diet book! I think I’ll wait to see how I get through the week before I contact Oprah to appear on her show.

Maybe next week I'll show you my linen closet...

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