Thursday, February 19, 2009

When in Rome...

I get tired of writing about cancer, but I don’t have much else going on these days to write about. So I’ve resorted to stealing pictures off Facebook so I can write about my son’s fabulous life.

Adam and his wife Tara are living in the Netherlands and take the opportunity to travel whenever they can. Last weekend they were in Rome; next weekend they are off to Morocco. They are taking advantage of this time while they are childless (and I am grand-childless – no pressure!) to see Europe. I am so happy for them that they have this opportunity and are having great adventures together.

But I do miss them lots...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you too! And we are definitely taking advantage of the childless years. Sometimes a little too much. I had to reign Adam in on the number of concert tickets he was buying and emphasize qualiy over quantity when it comes to trips.
Looking forward to our visit in June!! XOXO Tara