Friday, October 17, 2008

No, I'm not bald; I'm just taller than my hair!

When I was a kid some women wore wigs just for a change of hairstyle. I can't imagine why because they are hot, itchy and uncomfortable. Most of the time I wear a scarf or hat on my head, but there are times when nothing but a full head of hair will do. So I have several options...
The Blonde Bombshell. This is what my real hair would look like if it didn't have a mind of it's own.
Shirley Partridge. This is my backup wig in case I take bread out of the oven wearing the Blonde Bombshell wig. Don't laugh, I did it 10 years ago and melted the bangs into a solid clump.
Broom Hilda. A friend passed this one on for me to use as my 'hat wig'. Wearing a scarf or hat on top of my good wig can damage it (they are very fragile!) so this one will do in a pinch. Even the hairstylist who trimmed it for me said it was rather 'broomy'.

Pretty in Pink. A picture is worth a thousand words.

(see also Run for the Cure)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are inspiring! My hair is due to fall outin the coming 3 - 12 days. Boo hoo