When I called Visa to report my card missing, they said there had been a charge to the card at a Gatineau Loblaws for $140 that same Friday. I was still thinking that I had left my card somewhere and someone found it, until Jennifer mentioned that she had read online that there have been a rash of car breakins in Gatineau Park. The thieves take only one credit card, so you don't notice it right away. They mainly use it for purchases at grocery, liquor and electronic stores.
I still didn't think my car had been broken into until I noticed what I first thought was a rust spot next to the keyhole. It took a few weeks, but I've finally pieced it together and figured out how my credit card went missing.
What I'm grateful for today: That Visa covers charges made with a stolen card.
I've posted your warning at GuideGatineau.ca
The same thing happen to Mike two years ago but they knocked the whole key mechanism out and he did not even notice because he uses his key fob to open his car not the lock. All he knew is they took his attache which had his laptop, Archos and palm pilot. He had tinted windows so they just played a guessing game that something worth taking would be in the car. Now we leave nothing in the cars. Xmas is a really bad time b/c they go for the presents you leave when going from store to store. The cops figured my girlfriend was followed from Bestbuy where she bought a laptop then hid it and drove to a grocery store, while there they took the laptop. So don't leave anything in your car, it can happen so fast.
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