Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Today was my monthly Faslodex injection day. On the walk to the cancer clinic from the side street where I usually park, I came across a woman wearing a scarf on her head, leaning against a lamp post. I asked her if she was OK and she said her legs were shaky, so I offered to walk with her.

As we very slowly made our way to the clinic, she told me that she was going for blood work in preparation for her next chemo. When I told her about my cancer history she said I looked great and I think it gave her hope that I was doing so well.

We never exchanged names and I’ll probably never see her again, but she hugged me when I left her at the blood work room. I’ve had so many similar encounters: exchanging stories with someone in the waiting room; having the person next to me in the chemo room wish me well.

We are all strangers. We are all connected.

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