Sunday, January 27, 2008

Janice turns 70

With only 20 years between us, my mom has always been younger than most of my friends’ moms. So it seems somehow unreal that she turned 70 this month.

I know it’s only a number, but when I was a kid I thought of 70 as being pretty old. Yet, my mom is healthy and active and she doesn’t seem old to me. She goes to Curves 4 or 5 times a week. Last summer she came to Ottawa and biked the length of the canal and back. My gift to her for her 70th birthday was a pair of ice-skates.

How is it that the numbers fly by, our bodies age, and yet we are still the same person inside? While we mature and become more who we are meant to be with each passing year, our spirits don’t seem to grow old unless we let them. What a great role model I have – a mom with a young spirit!

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