Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crappy update

i ended up in the cancer triage yesterday because of increased shortness of breath and a distended belly. they thought that maybe i had fluid buildup in the belly because of my liver but they didn't find fluid there. they did find fluid in one of my lungs so they are making an appointment for me to possibly have the fluid drained.

the doctor i saw gave me the results of the latest scans and it appears that the current treatment isn't working and the cancer is progressing in my lungs, lower spine and liver. also they found two lesions on the brain that appear to be cancer.

i suspect i will now go back on taxotere, the iv chemo i had last time. i had really good results last time so i'm hoping it will do the same this time.

no news from the ortho specialist. i might just say to hell with it and just live with a baby finger that won't bend.

what i'm grateful for today: that my mom is here to help me and she doesn't complain about all of the hours spent at the hospital having tests and waiting, waiting, waiting.


Whidbey Woman said...

Christine, I will pray for you tonight. I am so sorry to hear this news. Keep fighting! Get a second opinion if you want to about treatment options. We have gone twice to a regional cancer center out of town and it has been worth it. Both times we were told my husband's case was hopeless, but then we learned of other otpions. Hang in there. Hope the rest of the week goes better for you!

Unknown said...

I agree ... crappy update ... but thanks for sharing this with us. If taxotere works, then I guess go with it and tough it out. I certainly could tell it was working - felt cruddy but at least no nausea. Take care of you.
ros and david